Computers (are supposed to) work for us. When we end up working for the computers – something has gone wrong (arse about face).
It is what most makes me angry – when people are forced to do work so as to feed the computer and do things the computers way, when the only reason they are doing so is because someone failed to program the computer correctly in the first place. Computers are amazing tools and we can do incredible work with them … but when the work starts to become for the computer (say like copy-n-paste, or even worse manually retyping, pages of data so as to get it from one system to another or even in another part of the same system – why isn’t the computer doing that?!?). This is not so we can be lazy and do no work, this is so we can be productive and do more actual work and less time pandering to the computer like some worshiper at the altar of a god.