Random shite – Lord of the Rings “trivia”

Came across this video. Bit of a click-bait title as I was like “what, ‘technicality’? No way. If you think that you’ve missed the plot”.

But actually it was pretty good, even highlighted a few things I hadn’t really twigged to.

Just interesting how in great story telling like this plot lines travel well through the story before they converge … and in fact in Tolkien’s case travel outside the story really and thousands of years into the story’s past.

My thoughts:

The witch king deploys wraiths thousands of years back, one of which ends up in the barrows, guarding amongst other things, weapons designed for wraith and witch king type destruction.

Coming forth to the story, the wraith captures the hobbits when they fail to follow Tom’s advice and stumble into the trap, and have to be rescued by Tom. In which they end up getting equipped with these ancient blades wrought long ago to defeat said wraiths and their masters etc.

Then, not covered in this video, but something I think is also of note, Sauron and Saruman, set in motion (unintentionally) the incident of Pippin and the palantíri (read the book/see the movie), which results in Gandalf riding off with Pippin, to Gondor. That results in Merry being left alone with the Rohan, and that results in him getting a ride with Eowyn, to the battle.

So if that bit (Pippin, the palantíri, etc.) had not occurred this would not have happened also.

And then that led to Merry stabbing the witch king and breaking the spell that bound his spirit to his form, which left the witch king vulnerable to Eowyns’ blade (“I am no man!“).

Phew, what a plot.

See the video:



I also note one of the comments states that it was not a ‘prophecy’ but a ‘doom’ that no man would kill the witch king. It no ways says the witch king is immortal or will never fall, in fact it basically states that he will, just doesn’t say it outright … but if he will fall to no man then QED he must fall to something else. His doom is sealed. Just a matter of time (in this case thousands of years, but still …).

Interesting past few days

Well I have had an interesting time putting this site and initial content (The supposition of superposition) up. I have reviewed up on Bell’s theorem quite thoroughly (I know there’s a lot and I haven’t covered it all, but I have found some fascinating stuff and think I have the core of it “down cold” now).

And that has lead me back, oddly, pretty much to my starting point, in several ways. Since I started this whole quantum physics caper I have been wondering what do I do with this. Do I tell the world? If so, how do I tell the world? Or even which part of the world am I telling – the scientists? the layperson? whom? Even at the time, back then,  I had it pretty accurately analysed I think, as to what my options were, as I can see much the same options now, 3 years or so later.  they are: (i) I can try to convince the scientific world they they have “quantum computing” wrong, (ii) I can try to present it to the layperson as an informative explanation of what quantum physics is, or (most difficult of all) (iii) I can try to do both simultaneously*. (i) will be hard (neigh-on-impossible maybe) and (ii) while easier may have far less potential effect than (i) (and why do anything without the purpose of it making an effect on the world in some way (small or large)). So, as I write this paragraph I have come to the conclusion to try (iii). I have nothing to lose. 🙂

* (Insert pun about quantum physics here – “quantum superposition” means “in all (potential) states simultaneously” (or something to that effect)

It starts …

Here we go with a new Word Press site. The old site still exists at http://glennmorrow.com/personal/ for now – there is hardly anything on it but I feel reluctant to take it down for now.

This reboot is to finally try and “publish” my quantum physics musing and questions and works. I’ve had  Word documents I ended to publish as a Kindle book, then moved to Google Docs, then moved to Confluence Wiki pages … never quite getting something I was happy to “release”. The first drafts were a but immature, the later ones still lacking something – so I held off. But actually on review there was still mostly good content there. What really held me back was my waiting to be proved wrong – to come across something that ripped my ideas to threads and proved the quantum physics “status quo” (so to speak!) to be correct. Every time I read something new I waited for it. I was sure it was going to happen but it never has and I read articles today with the same interpretations as I had back then – if anything it just seems more plausible now than ever – everything seems to back it up not tear it down.

The tricky thing will be to get “traction” on this. The subject is a minefield of opinions, authorities, quacks, twisted interpretations, vested interests (we are talking millions and millions of dollars in research etc. into the field, and it’s only getting larger each year – let alone the possible business implications of being “first to market” with (truly) quantum computers), good intentions, heartfelt beliefs, intentionally misleading statements, unintentionally misleading/ inaccurate statements, and perfect valid research, theories, conclusions and awesome science. And a lot of noise. Who’s going to listen to me amongst all that? Lets see.

(This is from a great old game “Lion King” – from the Disney movie . It was a great game at the time and this quote (which played at the beginning of each game) always stuck with me. 🙂 )