Lord of the Rings

This is from a while back and I kept on meaning to get the videos and post here … but I just never did. Until now!

This was for a fundraiser event way back at the very end of May 2021 (so, this year, just a few months ago).

When I heard it was gonna be LOTR themed I pretty much instantly got the ideas for all of this. I looked online but costumes or even just masks where super expensive so I decide to make my own. Went to a “$2 shop” and found things for just a few dollars, including some black, paint, and whipped it all up. Came out way better than it had any right to. Also got Gaye a blond wig, a fake helmet, and a huge bloody sword!

Initial photos:

LOTR quote:

I did this at the event, but it was never recorded so I wanted to do it again (part of the reason for the delay on this whole thing). I think it was better then – I can’t seem to get the voice tone as good now – especially with “Mooorrrdddoooor” … but already tried to many times so that’ll have to do:



The Skit:

The first part of it did not get recorded.

It started with Gaye and I coming onto the stage from separate ends. Then after a brief moment for the audience to take in our costumes, I showed my first sign “No Man Can Kill Me”. Any LOTR fans instantly knew what that was (it is the Witch King of Angmar’s bold statement to Eowyn (shieldmaiden of Rohan)). There was a pause. Then Gaye tears off her helmet, does a brief fling of the blond hair (as you do!), and shows her first sign which is Eowyn’s reply. At that point the audience are enthused … and the video shows the rest. “I am an OT” is an in-joke for members of the church – if you don’t get it you can ask me!

And lastly:

Just a short story – after we videoed the quote one above, this morning, I said I’ll go out and walk around the street (in lockdown!) with my costume on. Gaye was all “Yea, do it! Lol” …. and I did! I was about to go out, and she was like “No, I was only joking” … but I wasn’t. Why not?!? So I went around the block in full costume, said hello in a very cheerful voice to 3 or 4 people, and told them this was my new “covid mask” – LOL. Was out for only 5 minutes, Ha ha ha – the things I do these days.

Oh this has gotta be good

I’ve only listened to part of the first track so far. But the song track from Guardians of the Galaxy was so good, I am just adding it here already!

The Doo

Fascinating to watch the reactions. Some of the people are a bit rough(!) and he’ll be right there too at times. But fascinating.


This one:

And this:

And this:

And the one that started it all:


This is my new theme song! 🤣

(Only wanted the first 16 seconds but no, Queen wants it all and won’t allow that! Fair enough.)